English | فارسی
Together for Health

The biennial progress report of the joint programmes of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the "United Nations Development Program (UNDP)" that are financially supported by the "Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria" and implemented in collaboration with other UN agencies ancluding UNAIDS and WHO was published in the summer of 2016.

The 87 pages English publication summerizes the acheivements of the projects defined under the above-mentioned partnership in line with the National Strategic Plans to control the aforesaid disease.

The report provides, in three distinct chapters, an overview of each of the three projects in the form of various graphs and tables. The final part of the project is dedicated to provision of the efforts made by some fellow citizens to fight the disease.

Postage Date:  05/08/2016 Writer:  CCM Secretariat